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School Garden Idea Swap

  • 8 Apr 2021
  • 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • online

School Garden Idea Swap

Date: Thursday, April 8 3:30-5:00PM
Host: Vermont Community Garden Network & Vermont Farm to School Network
Intended Audience: School Garden Enthusiasts
Cost: Free

Join us for a conversation with fellow school garden organizers and enthusiasts to prepare for the upcoming season!

  • Glean inspiration from experienced garden coordinators about exciting new projects for getting communities engaged and enhancing learning.
  • Swap ideas and discuss solutions with others engaged in school garden work.
  • Get your gardening questions answered in preparation for the season.
  • Gather resources to help you set your school garden project up for success.

Please register by Wednesday, April 7th, so we can gather important information prior to the call!

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