Wondering how to spend your Earth Day meaningfully and give back to our beautiful home? Look no further! We've done the work for you by rounding up some regional events that encourage celebration and stewardship of our local environment.
Earth Day Volunteer Invasive Removal
Friday, April 22, 2022 10:00am – 1:00pm
Muddy Brook Wetland Reserve, Van Sicklen Road, South Burlington
Join WVPD Staff and other volunteers to celebrate Earth Day by helping to improve important shrubland habitat. Parking at trailhead off Van Sicklen Rd. South Burlington. There is limited parking so please reach out to timlarned@wvpd.org if you are planning to attend. Mud Boots recommended! We will plan to get in a couple hours of Invasive ID and removal and then save some time (12-1) for a hike out to a recent shrubland habitat restoration project the Winooski Valley Park District worked with the Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership (CVCP), the City of South Burlington, Audubon VT and US Fish and Wildlife Services to complete. The hike will be dependent on the ground drying out enough for a group to use.

VEEP Conservation Kids
Join Julian Leon from Vermont Energy Education Program to explore how we can use less energy!
This program is geared towards children from Kindergarten to Grade 3. Participants will gain a basic understanding of energy and the importance of conservation and efficiency. Hands-on activities help students explore transportation, basic home appliances, and the difference between human energy and power plant energy, with a focus on simple conservation behaviors that students can do at home or school.
Registration required.

Vermont Nature Institute of Science (VINS) Earth Day Celebration
Join the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) as we celebrate Earth Day for two days on Saturday, April 21, and Sunday, April 22, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
In conjunction with Earth Day we are celebrating the Year of the Bird, to mark the centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so come to the VINS Nature Center to learn how you can be “bird-friendly & planet-friendly” in your daily life. Simple changes around your house or yard can be bird-friendly and better for our climate. Explore the habitat needs of local animals by building “fairy houses” for them in the woods. Take a guided hike down to the famous Quechee Gorge and marvel at millions of years of geological change. Meet some of our resident raptors and reptiles up close, and learn what you can do to help these majestic creatures thrive in their environments.
All activities are included with general admission to the Nature Center, which is $15.50 for adults; $14.50 for seniors 62 and above; $13.50 for youth ages 4-17; and free for Members and for children 3 and under.

Rutland County Audubon Society Earth Day Marsh Walk
Celebrate Earth Day! Join us for our monthly monitoring of West Rutland Marsh! Meet at the boardwalk on Marble Street at 8 a.m. Go the whole 3.7 mile route or go halfway.
Earth Day March and Rally for All Species
This family-friendly event begins with march participants gathering at Montpelier City Hall at 11am and marching to the Statehouse at 11:30. Costumes focusing on creatures of land, water, or sky are encouraged. Marching music will be led by Brass Balagan.
The rally will feature young people speaking to their concerns regarding threats relating to species extinction - which, if not dealt with effectively, will have a devastating impact on their future. There will be a special focus on pollinators and aquatic life, ie: species that are most threatened at this time in Vermont due to agricultural pesticides and toxic pollutants in lakes, ponds, and waterways. Musical interludes during the rally will feature environment-related songs led by Aro Veno and Friends.
Presented by the Mobilization for Pollinator Survival and VT Military Poisons /PFAS Coalition. Free and open to all.
Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Earth Day Tips
In the spirit of Earth Day, the Agency will be celebrating all week long. Here are a few tips and activity ideas for each day of the week (April 22-26).
VT Department of Environmental Conservation Earth Day Photo Contest
How do you take care of Vermont? In celebration of Earth Day later this month, we want to see how you care for Vermont's environment!
Share a photo of your newly planted tree, your commuter bicycle, your roadside trash pick-up haul, your thriving rain garden, or whatever else you do to care for our world to Instagram!
Be sure to TAG us and use the hashtag #takecareVT and we will feature our fav photo on April 22 (Earth Day!).
UVM Earth Week Events
Join the Department of Student Life, the UVM Eco-Reps, the Student Government Association, and other campus partners for UVM’s annual celebration of the environment, sustainability, and the Earth itself.
Friday, April 22nd marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day – and UVM has been there from the beginning. There’s a range of events to pique your interest and deepen your understanding and advocacy around sustainability, ecology, and all things green! Join us for a mix of virtual and in person events that celebrate our progress and successes, continue the learning about a variety of ever evolving issues and explore new ways we can act to create a better future.