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Reflections on Environmental Education

2 Jul 2021 10:03 AM | Ashley Eaton

Whether you are a formal teacher or a non-formal educator, you likely have just ended a constantly changing and challenging school year. Now it is time for summer fun and the many extended learning opportunities that are available for children and adults throughout the state!  Some educational organizations have chosen to focus on virtual learning for one more summer, while others are operating in ways that resembled life in 2019.  Regardless, everyone is ready for some relief from stress, connections with others, and time to celebrate the beautiful summer in Vermont.  Environmental education comes in many forms with an equal number of names such as sustainability, nature, outdoor, conservation, and more. Whatever the label, what has been emphasized more than ever this past year is that this type of education is just what everyone, young and old, is searching for right now.  Environmental education offers opportunities for place-based, relevant, and experiential learning that empowers and inspires.  So let’s take a collective breath together, get involved, and celebrate the many environmental education extended learning opportunities that exist this summer in in Vermont.

The Vermont Education and Environment Network is here to help you navigate continuing education through in-person and virtual programs that range from climate education, food systems, to geology, job openings throughout the Northeast, and community connection opportunities through a variety of membership options.

Written by Alison Thomas, Education Manager, VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife 

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